Guest post// Emmy

Hello Sunshine gals! I am Emmy from My Journal. Noelle, the phenomenal writer and owner of this blog (also my best friend and the beautifulest girl IN DA WORLD) offered me to guest post on her amazing blog. Thank you so much Noelle!! I guess I'll tell you a little about myself, I am Emmelia, but I go by Emmy. I am 12. I am in love with One direction (immensely). I love to blog, I have been blogging for almost two years over at My Journal. I know you all have good taste in blogging for following Noelle's blog and I hope you check mine out!   Back to the post..   I am basing this post on a quote, 
"Being single doesn't mean you're weak, it means you're strong enough to wait for what you deserve" -Niall Horan
I know your probably thinking "Whoa. She is only 12! why would she post about this?" But bear with me and let me explain.
 If God has a Prince for me in life I know that He is made perfect for me, and well, isn't it every girls dream to "Marry her Prince"? And I -just as many girls- dream about my wedding day and falling in love. But I have to be patient and wait for Gods still small voice and wisdom to lead me. and I know I must follow where He is calling me go. Because, even though I have dreams that in my future I will become a doctor, a missionary, a wife and a mother (and to follow Christ through everything)  My plans may be different than Gods plans for my life.
I've been reading this book called "Kisses from Katie" (Its really great!). Here is a long story short; She went to Uganda to help at an orphanage and fell in love with it and everything there. She ended up moving they're and adopting 14 children. That is a very little peek into the book. A part that I like in the Introduction where she says;

 "I never meant to be a mother. I mean, I guess I did; not right now, though. Not before I was married. Not when I was nineteen. Not to so, so many little people. Thankfully , Gods plans do not seem to be affected much by my own.
   I never meant to live in Uganda, a dot on the map in East Africa, on the opposite side of the planet from my family and all that is comfortable and familiar . Thankfully, God's plans also happen to be much better than my own."
  "...Jesus wrecked my life, shattered it to pieces, and put it back together more beautifully."
Anyway, Its a really good book and I absolutely recommend it!

 So I am trying my best to follow God and do what He calls of me and I will for the rest of my life. I will try to be patient and wait for His timing and go when He calls me to go. 
God bless you girls!





  1. Thanks for letting me guest post elle!! Love you!


  2. That's was awesome! SO true and encouraging! Great guest post, Emmy:)


Thx 4 ur sweet messages! I'd love to hear from u -

Noelle : )